Frequently Asked Questions

The time frame for obtaining planning permission can vary depending on the complexity of the project and the local planning authority’s workload. Generally, it takes around eight to twelve weeks to receive a decision. However, more complex projects or those requiring further negotiations may take longer.

Contact us now for a free consultation to discuss your proposal.

Undertaking an extension is an exciting endeavor, but it’s important to be aware that the timeline can vary due to multiple factors and uncertainties. While no project has a guaranteed duration, the time required for a residential extension typically falls within a range of 7 to 15 months, and sometimes even longer. This variation is due to the intricate processes, different professionals involved, and the unpredictable nature of construction.

It’s crucial to understand that the timeline can change based on the scope and size of your extension. However, gaining a basic understanding of the potential journey can help you prepare for what lies ahead.

Design Phase: 1 – 5 Weeks

After selecting an architect, your project starts taking shape on paper. The duration of this phase depends on whether you have existing property drawings as well as the complexity of your project. If you have them, you and your architect can proceed with the design. If not, a measured survey might be needed to obtain the necessary measurements.

Planning Approval: 8 – 10 Weeks

The planning process requires patience. It can take 8 to 10 weeks or even longer for approval. During this phase, there might be revisions requested by the planning authority. It’s essential to address any permission conditions to ensure your project can proceed.

Technical Design: 1 Week – 1 Month

With planning approval secured, the focus shifts to building regulations and structural engineering. This stage ensures the build adheres to guidelines and remains structurally sound.

Party Wall Agreement: 1 Week – 3 Months

If you’re building near a shared boundary, a Party Wall Agreement might be necessary. While it can be straightforward, it’s contingent on your neighbor’s response. It’s a crucial aspect to consider.

Tender Process: 2 – 4 Weeks

The tender process involves selecting a builder for your project. This period includes preparing documents and inviting quotes from multiple contractors, giving you the opportunity to evaluate costs and services.

Construction Phase: 2 – 4 Months

The construction duration depends on the complexity of your design, features, and the size of your extension. Elements like glazing can impact the time needed. It’s advisable to choose a skilled contractor who can efficiently execute the construction.

Remember, this timeline is a guide, and your individual circumstances may differ. To avoid delays, thorough research is key. Consider hiring professionals who work efficiently and meet deadlines.

Ready to embark on your project journey? Contact us today to start planning your extension confidently.

Wondering about the need for Planning Permission? It’s an important aspect of many developments, involving the approval of your local council. Here’s the scoop: you’ll either require Planning Permission or a certificate of lawfulness.

Let’s dive into scenarios where Planning Permission is usually needed:

  1. New Building Developments: Most new constructions fall under this category.
  2. Extensions to Flats or Maisonettes: When adding or extending a flat or maisonette, Planning Permission is generally needed. (Note: Internal alterations or changes that don’t impact the exterior appearance might be exempt.)
  3. Dividing Your House for Separate Use: If you’re carving out part of your home as a separate dwelling or hosting a dwelling like a garden caravan, Planning Permission applies. (Exceptions exist for letting rooms to lodgers.)
  4. Business or Commercial Use: Opting for a business space within your home, such as a workshop? You’ll typically need Planning Permission. The same goes for creating commercial vehicle parking on your property.
  5. Contradicting Original Planning Permission: If your changes deviate from the original planning permission terms, you’re back in the Planning Permission zone. For instance, erecting fences on an “open plan” estate with restrictions.
  6. Impeding Road User Views: Any work that obstructs the view of road users may require Planning Permission.
  7. New or Widened Access to Roads: Planning Permission could come into play if you’re looking to create new or wider access to a trunk or classified road.

However, some alterations won’t necessarily demand Planning Permission, like interior changes or minor exterior work such as installing telephone connections or alarm boxes. Keep in mind, though, that exceptions might arise for buildings within conservation areas, listed structures, or those of heritage significance.

Factors influencing the need for Planning Permission can be quite diverse and hinge on local authority plans. Considerations encompass neighbours, design, covenants, listed buildings, conservation areas, trees and wildlife, building regulations, rights of way, adverts and signs, ancient monuments, environmental health, licensed sites, and roads and highways.

For comprehensive guidance tailored to your situation, teaming up with professionals is key. With your vision and our expertise, navigating the realm of Planning Permission becomes a breeze.

With Permitted Development rights, you gain the privilege to undertake various enhancements within your house, including loft conversions, side extensions, rear extensions, and even transforming your garage – all without the intricate web of planning permission.

The foundation of these rights traces back to the 1995 Town and Country Planning Act (General Permitted Development) Order 1995, ushering in a new era of property empowerment. Over time, amendments have been introduced, refining and adapting these rights to suit evolving needs.

It’s important to understand that Permitted Development rights predominantly extend to houses, leaving out flats, maisonettes, and certain other structures. Listed buildings and properties within conservation areas also stand outside this sphere.

Stay attuned to the possibility that local planning authorities could curtail specific Permitted Development rights through an Article 4 direction. This directive compels you to seek planning permission for projects that would otherwise fall under permitted development. Article 4 directions emerge when preserving the character of a designated area becomes paramount, often within conservation zones. You might already be aware if your property is under such a direction, but seeking clarification from the local planning authority is prudent if any doubts arise.

At Enter Urban Home Design, we’re your compass when determining whether your proposed extension aligns with Permitted Development criteria and holds the label of “lawful.” If your project fits within the parameters of permitted development, the next step involves an application for a “Certificate of Lawfulness” or a Certificate of Lawful Use from your local council. This application entails a meticulous set of scaled architectural drawings showcasing both the existing and proposed property layouts and changes. Our seasoned consultants are well-equipped to compile the required documentation and drawings, ensuring they meet the rigorous standards of your local council.

Contemplating the legality of building works is crucial – whether for seamless property transactions or to guarantee your project adheres to planning control regulations. While obtaining a ‘Lawful Development Certificate’ (LDC) isn’t mandatory, it offers invaluable assurance to property owners. For instance, if works were performed on your property without planning permission and you’re considering selling in the future, an LDC ensures a smooth transaction, sparing complications.

Residential extensions under lawful development applications incur a fee of £103, while Change of Use applications and those involving flats or HMOs are subject to a fee of £462.

A property might inadvertently breach planning rules but enjoy exemption from enforcement if “Established Use” is evident. This often occurs when properties are extended or converted without prior permission. In such cases, a Lawful Development Certificate can be sought from the council, highlighting evidence spanning 4 years for residential extensions and conversions, or 10 years for commercial and alternative uses.

At Enter Urban Home Design, we’re committed to amplifying your property’s potential through the realm of Permitted Development. Discover a world where your visions align with reality. Connect with us today to embark on your journey to an empowered property transformation.

Certainly, there’s a diverse array of extensions and conversions that can potentially transform your property. At Enter Urban Home Design, we’re here to guide you through the possibilities, ensuring you make informed decisions that align with your vision and budget. Here’s a glimpse into the options available:


  1. Single Storey Rear Extension: Enhance your living area with a rear extension, providing more room for relaxation and activities.
  2. Single Storey Side Extension: Expand your space laterally, creating room for new functionalities and experiences.
  3. Loft Conversion with Dormer Roof Extension: Turn your loft into a functional space with the addition of a dormer roof extension.
  4. Hip to Gable Roof Extension: Elevate your living space by transforming your hip roof into a gable design.
  5. Basement Extension: Dig deep to create additional rooms or living space beneath the ground.
  6. Garage Conversion: Repurpose your garage into habitable rooms, unlocking new possibilities for your home.


  1. Conversion of a House into Flats: Transform a single dwelling into multiple independent flats, maximizing use.
  2. House into HMOs / Bedsits: Create a house of multiple occupation (HMO) to accommodate different tenants.
  3. Conversion of Offices into Flats: Repurpose office spaces into comfortable living units.
  4. Changes of Use: Alter the use of your property, from retail to offices, or even residential, based on your needs.
  5. Garage Conversion to Habitable Room or Self-contained Unit: Turn a garage into a functional living space or separate unit.

Wondering about your property’s potential? Our FREE advice session will help unlock the hidden possibilities within your space. We’re ready to provide a no-obligation quote for our comprehensive services – from crafting architectural drawings to assembling application documents and securing planning permission

Let’s have a chat about your plans and aspirations. Our team is thrilled to offer tailored advice for your proposed extension or conversion. We’ll guide you on whether planning permission is required or if your project falls under Permitted Development.

Contact us today to set your property transformation in motion.

It’s important to acknowledge that predicting the outcome of a planning application isn’t a guaranteed science. However, enlisting the expertise of a professional planner can significantly enhance your chances of success while gaining a comprehensive understanding of potential development avenues. Enter Urban Home Design – your strategic partner in this journey. We prioritize transparency and effectiveness, ensuring that we only take on projects with viable prospects, and we’re forthright in communicating this to our clients.

Each planning officer in the department interprets regulations and guidelines uniquely, making outcomes somewhat unpredictable. But that’s where Enter Urban Home Design shines – we offer you the power of experience and knowledge, leveraging our proficiency in liaising with local councils, negotiating financial agreements, and navigating complex planning issues on your behalf.

While local councils provide a “Pre Application Advice” service, it’s worth noting that the advice given isn’t legally binding. Unfortunately, they might deviate from their initial suggestions, leading to frustration. Here’s where our expertise stands out: we conduct rigorous feasibility studies and site appraisals to assess the potential of each development. This not only ensures a transparent process but also saves time.

The planning landscape is ever-evolving, with policies subject to constant updates. At Enter Urban Home Design, we stay at the forefront of these changes, ensuring our knowledge remains current through continuous professional development and diligent research.

Uncertainty is the name of the game, as exemplified by the instance of a front-facing dormer application. Despite neighbours having similar features, changes in policies could lead to varying outcomes. We’ve got your back – our consultants offer insights into the likelihood of success, based on thorough analysis of policies, constraints, and material considerations.

Permitted Development rights are also under constant review, and we stay in tune with the latest discussions and policy implementations.

At Enter Urban Home Design, we excel in uncovering development potential and providing tailored advice for optimal chances of planning permission. Remember, securing planning permission not only opens doors for property enhancement but instantly escalates property value – a substantial incentive for developers and homeowners aiming to sell.

Unlock the potential of your projects with Enter Urban Home Design – where expertise, transparency, and success converge. Get in touch today for a FREE phone consultation: Call us at +44 7474 980954. Your planning journey starts here. 

The duration to secure planning permission can vary based on project complexity and the workload of the local planning authority. Typically, it takes approximately eight to twelve weeks to receive a decision. However, for more intricate projects or those necessitating additional negotiations, the process may extend beyond this timeframe. Feel free to reach out to us for a complimentary consultation to discuss your proposal in detail.

Undertaking a residential extension is an exciting project, but it’s important to understand that timelines can vary due to several factors and uncertainties inherent in construction. While no project has a guaranteed duration, the typical timeline for a residential extension falls within a range of 7 to 15 months, and sometimes longer. This variability is due to the intricate processes involved, the involvement of various professionals, and the unpredictable nature of construction.

It’s crucial to recognize that the timeline can be influenced by the scope and scale of your extension. However, gaining a basic understanding of the potential journey can help you prepare for what lies ahead.

Design Phase: 1 – 5 Weeks After selecting an architect, your project begins to take shape on paper. The duration of this phase depends on whether you already have existing property drawings and the complexity of your project. If you have existing drawings, you and your architect can proceed with the design. If not, a measured survey may be required to obtain the necessary measurements.

Planning Approval: 8 – 10 Weeks The planning approval process requires patience. It typically takes 8 to 10 weeks, or sometimes longer, for approval. During this phase, there may be revisions requested by the planning authority. It’s essential to address any permission conditions to ensure your project can proceed.

Technical Design: 1 Week – 1 Month Once planning approval is secured, the focus shifts to technical aspects such as building regulations and structural engineering. This stage ensures that the build adheres to guidelines and remains structurally sound.

Party Wall Agreement: 1 Week – 3 Months If your extension is near a shared boundary, a Party Wall Agreement may be necessary. While it can be a straightforward process, its duration depends on your neighbor’s response. It’s a crucial aspect to consider during planning.

Tender Process: 2 – 4 Weeks The tender process involves selecting a builder for your project. This period includes preparing documents and inviting quotes from multiple contractors, allowing you to evaluate costs and services.

Construction Phase: 2 – 4 Months The construction duration depends on the complexity of your design, features, and the size of your extension. Factors such as glazing can impact the time needed. It’s advisable to choose a skilled contractor who can efficiently execute the construction.

Please note that this timeline serves as a guide, and your individual circumstances may differ. Thorough research and planning are essential to avoid delays. Consider hiring professionals who work efficiently and meet deadlines.

Ready to begin your extension project? Contact us today to start planning your extension confidently.

Understanding the requirement for Planning Permission is crucial for various developments, as it involves approval from your local council. Below are scenarios where Planning Permission is typically necessary:

  1. New Building Developments: Most new constructions fall into this category and require Planning Permission.
  2. Extensions to Flats or Maisonettes: Adding or extending a flat or maisonette generally requires Planning Permission. (Note: Internal alterations or changes that don’t impact the exterior appearance might be exempt.)
  3. Dividing Your House for Separate Use: If you’re creating a separate dwelling within your home or hosting a dwelling like a garden caravan, Planning Permission is needed. (Exceptions exist for letting rooms to lodgers.)
  4. Business or Commercial Use: Establishing a business space within your home, such as a workshop, typically requires Planning Permission. The same applies to creating commercial vehicle parking on your property.
  5. Contradicting Original Planning Permission: Deviating from the terms of the original planning permission, such as erecting fences in an “open plan” estate with restrictions, may require Planning Permission.
  6. Impeding Road User Views: Any work that obstructs the view of road users may necessitate Planning Permission.
  7. New or Widened Access to Roads: Planning Permission could be required for creating new or wider access to a trunk or classified road.

However, certain alterations may not necessarily require Planning Permission, such as interior changes or minor exterior work like installing telephone connections or alarm boxes. Keep in mind that exceptions might apply for buildings within conservation areas, listed structures, or those of heritage significance.

The need for Planning Permission can be influenced by diverse factors and local authority plans. Considerations include neighbours, design, covenants, listed buildings, conservation areas, trees and wildlife, building regulations, rights of way, advertisements and signs, ancient monuments, environmental health, licensed sites, and roads and highways.

For comprehensive guidance tailored to your specific situation, collaborating with professionals is key. With your vision and our expertise, navigating the realm of Planning Permission becomes straightforward.

Predicting the outcome of a planning application is not an exact science. However, engaging the services of a professional planner can significantly improve your chances of success and provide a thorough understanding of potential development pathways. At Urban Home Design, we are your strategic partners on this journey. We prioritize transparency and effectiveness, ensuring that we only take on projects with viable prospects and communicate this openly with our clients.

Each planning officer interprets regulations and guidelines uniquely, making outcomes somewhat unpredictable. This is where Urban Home Design excels—we leverage our experience and knowledge to liaise with local councils, negotiate financial agreements, and navigate complex planning issues on your behalf.

While local councils offer a “Pre-Application Advice” service, it’s important to note that the advice given is not legally binding and outcomes may differ from initial suggestions, leading to frustration. Urban Home Design conducts rigorous feasibility studies and site appraisals to assess development potential, ensuring a transparent process and saving time.

The planning landscape evolves continuously, with policies subject to regular updates. At Urban Home Design, we stay ahead of these changes, maintaining current knowledge through continuous professional development and diligent research.

Uncertainty is inherent in the planning process. For example, an application for a front-facing dormer may yield different outcomes despite similar features in neighbouring properties due to policy changes. Our consultants offer insights into the likelihood of success based on thorough policy analysis, constraints, and material considerations.

Permitted Development rights are also under constant review, and we remain informed about the latest discussions and policy implementations.

Urban Home Design excels in uncovering development potential and providing tailored advice for optimal planning permission outcomes. Securing planning permission not only enhances properties but also escalates property value—an attractive incentive for developers and homeowners looking to sell.

Unlock the potential of your projects with Urban Home Design—where expertise, transparency, and success converge. Contact us today for a FREE phone consultation at 02030513313. Your planning journey starts here.

There is a diverse range of extensions and conversions that can potentially transform your property. At Urban Home Design, we’re here to guide you through the possibilities, ensuring you make informed decisions that align with your vision and budget. Here’s a glimpse into the options available:


  1. Single Storey Rear Extension: Enhance your living area with a rear extension, providing more space for relaxation and activities.
  2. Single Storey Side Extension: Expand your space laterally, creating room for new functionalities and experiences.
  3. Loft Conversion with Dormer Roof Extension: Transform your loft into a functional space with the addition of a dormer roof extension.
  4. Hip to Gable Roof Extension: Elevate your living space by transforming your hip roof into a gable design.
  5. Basement Extension: Dig deep to create additional rooms or living space beneath the ground.
  6. Garage Conversion: Repurpose your garage into habitable rooms, unlocking new possibilities for your home.


  1. Conversion of a House into Flats: Transform a single dwelling into multiple independent flats, maximizing use.
  2. House into HMOs / Bedsits: Create a house of multiple occupation (HMO) to accommodate different tenants.
  3. Conversion of Offices into Flats: Repurpose office spaces into comfortable living units.
  4. Changes of Use: Alter the use of your property, such as converting retail space into offices or residential units.
  5. Garage Conversion to Habitable Room or Self-contained Unit: Turn a garage into a functional living space or separate unit.

Wondering about your property’s potential? Our FREE advice session will help unlock the hidden possibilities within your space. We’re ready to provide a no-obligation quote for our comprehensive services—from crafting architectural drawings to assembling application documents and securing planning permission.

Let’s discuss your plans and aspirations. Our team is thrilled to offer tailored advice for your proposed extension or conversion, guiding you on whether planning permission is required or if your project falls under Permitted Development.

Contact us today to set your property transformation in motion.

Permitted Development grants you the privilege to make various enhancements within your house, such as loft conversions, side extensions, rear extensions, and even transforming your garage—all without the need for planning permission.

The foundation of these rights dates back to the 1995 Town and Country Planning Act (General Permitted Development) Order 1995, ushering in a new era of property empowerment. Over time, amendments have refined and adapted these rights to suit evolving needs.

It’s important to note that Permitted Development rights predominantly extend to houses, excluding flats, maisonettes, and certain other structures. Additionally, listed buildings and properties within conservation areas are typically excluded from these rights.

Be aware that local planning authorities may restrict specific Permitted Development rights through an Article 4 direction. This directive requires you to seek planning permission for projects that would otherwise fall under permitted development. Article 4 directions are implemented to preserve the character of designated areas, particularly within conservation zones. You may already know if your property is subject to such a direction, but seeking clarification from the local planning authority is prudent if any doubts arise.

At Urban Home Design, we serve as your guide in determining whether your proposed extension aligns with Permitted Development criteria and is deemed “lawful.” If your project fits within these parameters, the next step involves applying for a “Certificate of Lawfulness” or a Certificate of Lawful Use from your local council. This application requires meticulous scaled architectural drawings showcasing both the existing and proposed property layouts and changes. Our experienced consultants excel in compiling the necessary documentation and drawings, ensuring they meet the rigorous standards of your local council.

Considering the legality of building works is crucial—whether for seamless property transactions or ensuring your project complies with planning control regulations. While obtaining a ‘Lawful Development Certificate’ (LDC) is not mandatory, it offers invaluable assurance to property owners. For instance, if works were conducted on your property without planning permission and you’re considering selling in the future, an LDC ensures a smooth transaction, sparing complications.

Residential extensions under lawful development applications incur a fee of £103, while Change of Use applications and those involving flats or HMOs are subject to a fee of £462.

Properties that inadvertently breach planning rules may enjoy exemption from enforcement if “Established Use” is evident. This often occurs when properties are extended or converted without prior permission. In such cases, a Lawful Development Certificate can be sought from the council, highlighting evidence spanning 4 years for residential extensions and conversions, or 10 years for commercial and alternative uses.

At Urban Home Design, we are dedicated to unlocking your property’s potential through the realm of Permitted Development. Discover a world where your visions align with reality. Connect with us today to embark on your journey to an empowered property transformation.

Permitted Development offers homeowners the flexibility to make meaningful changes within their homes without the need for planning permission. Rooted in the 1995 Town and Country Planning Act (General Permitted Development) Order 1995, Article 3, these rights have evolved over time. Urban Home Design is here to guide you through the complexities of Permitted Development Rights and planning requirements.

Here are the essentials:

Permitted Development empowers homeowners to undertake minor transformations like loft conversions, side extensions, rear extensions, and garage conversions without the planning permission process. While these rights predominantly apply to houses, it’s important to note that flats, maisonettes, listed buildings, and properties within conservation areas are exceptions.

Recent changes have introduced notable allowances for residential extensions. For instance, rear extensions of single dwellings can now extend from 4m to 8m (for detached houses) and from 3m to 6m (for other houses) in non-conservation areas. Extensions exceeding one storey are unaffected. To involve neighbours in the process, applying to the council for Prior Approval is essential. If neighbours raise no objections, approval typically proceeds smoothly. For extensions beyond 3m depth for semi-detached or terraced houses, securing Prior Approval and completing construction before the deadline is recommended.

Permitted Development also extends to commercial spaces. Shops, professional/financial services, and industrial units can now extend up to 100sq.m boundary-free (excluding residential property boundaries) in non-conservation areas. “Prior Approval” applications are required here, with decisions often rendered within 42-56 days.

The latest allowances include converting offices and shops into residential units under the “Prior Approval” application process. At Urban Home Design, we have expertly navigated this terrain, obtaining permissions for numerous residential conversions across London. For personalized guidance, a free phone consultation and a no-obligation quote for our services are available.

If your project aligns with Permitted Development criteria, obtaining a Certificate of Lawfulness or Prior Approval is advisable. This involves preparing a comprehensive set of scaled architectural drawings showcasing existing sites, buildings, and proposed changes. At Urban Home Design, we meticulously craft these drawings to meet your local council’s validation standards, ensuring a seamless process.

Partner with us to unleash the full potential of Permitted Development. Reach out to us today and embark on your journey to property enhancement.

Embarking on building work is a transformative journey, but it’s essential to adhere to the Building Regulations—a roadmap for ensuring safety, functionality, and quality. At Urban Home Design, we’re here to demystify the enforcement process and outline your avenues for appeal, empowering you throughout your construction endeavor.

Building Regulations can be breached by neglecting the prescribed building control procedures or failing to meet the technical stipulations embedded within them. Building control services conduct inspections to uncover any such deviations.

Local authorities are responsible for enforcing the Building Regulations within their jurisdictions. Their approach is primarily oriented towards informal resolution. In cases where an approved inspector oversees the building control service, they will provide guidance, but enforcement authority lies with the local authority. If an approved inspector deems your work non-compliant, the local authority will assume control and wield enforcement powers if necessary.

When Building Regulations are breached, the builder or main contractor may face legal action in the magistrates’ court. Penalties can include fines of up to £5,000 for contravention and up to £50 for each day the violation persists after conviction. This action (under section 35 of the Building Act 1984) typically targets the responsible party, and proceedings must commence within two years of completion.

Alternatively, the local authority can serve an enforcement notice (under section 36 of the Act) on the property owner, requiring rectification or removal of non-compliant work. Failure to comply empowers the local authority to undertake the necessary rectification and recover costs from the owner.

Appeals Against Enforcement Notices:

If you disagree with an enforcement notice, you have several options:

  1. You can contest the notice by requesting a written report from a professional assessing your work’s compliance. This may persuade the local authority to withdraw the notice, extending the rectification period to 70 days.
  2. Alternatively, you can appeal against the notice in the magistrates’ court to demonstrate compliance. This option can be chosen either independently or after attempting the first option. The appeal must be filed within 28 days of receiving the notice, or within 70 days if you opt for the first route initially. If successful, the local authority may be liable for your costs.

If you believe certain requirements within the Building Regulations are impractical or irrelevant, you can apply to your local authority for a relaxation or dispensation of those requirements. This enables your completed work to be deemed compliant. The application should be made within 28 days of receiving the enforcement notice, with a right to appeal against refusal.

At Urban Home Design, we’re not just about architectural drawings; we’re your allies throughout the building process. Empower your construction journey with informed decisions. Connect with us today to experience a transformational partnership.

A retrospective planning application comes into play when modifications have been made to your property without obtaining prior planning permission. In such cases, a local authority may request that you submit a retrospective planning application to legitimize the changes you’ve already made. This process involves the local authority asking the landowner or occupier to apply for the necessary planning permission.

It’s important to note that submitting a retrospective application does not automatically guarantee planning permission. The application will undergo the usual review process, just like any other planning application.

The Importance of Planning Permission:

While retrospective planning permission can potentially legitimize unauthorized changes, it’s crucial to understand that until planning permission is granted, there’s a risk of enforcement actions. This might involve receiving an enforcement notice from the council, which could demand reverting the development back to its original state. Such actions can be costly and time-consuming.

To avoid these complications, it’s highly recommended that homeowners and developers seek planning permission before undertaking any building works. Whether it’s prior to or after the construction, the experts at Urban Home Design can provide strategic guidance on obtaining planning permission effectively.

Applying for Retrospective Planning Permission:

Council enforcement officers typically encourage owners and developers to consider a retrospective application if there’s a chance that planning permission could be granted for the modifications. However, the outcome is not guaranteed, and enforcement officers can only provide advice.

The retrospective application process mirrors the standard planning permission procedure, handled by planning officers. At Urban Home Design, our experienced team can offer tailored advice and assist in crafting a strong, compelling retrospective planning application. Our goal is to help you navigate through this process successfully. Get in touch with us for a free consultation.

Ensuring your property adheres to planning regulations is essential, and we’re here to guide you every step of the way.

The cost of each planning application varies based on factors such as the type of application and the nature of the development. Our pricing structure is designed to accurately reflect these variables.

Here are the typical fees for common planning applications:

  • Standard Residential Planning Application: £206
  • Change of Use Application: £462
  • Application for the Creation of New Dwellings: £462 per application
  • Lawful Development Applications: £103

Please note that some applications may have higher or lower costs depending on the specifics of the proposal and the scale of the development.

To gain a clearer understanding of the precise costs applicable to your project, we encourage you to get in touch with us.

At Urban Home Design, we’re committed to providing transparent and accurate pricing information. Reach out to us to explore the details and nuances of your application’s cost structure. We’re here to assist you every step of the way.

Urban Home Design is committed to making the planning process straightforward and accessible. We recognize that navigating planning can be complex and overwhelming, which is why we’re here to guide you through the essential aspects of the process. Below, we’ve addressed some common questions often posed by our clients during our complimentary consultation service.

Understanding “Development”: “Development” encompasses various activities, including construction, engineering, mining, and other operations carried out on, over, under, or in land. It also involves making significant changes to the usage of buildings or land, as defined in Section 55 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. Some types of developments are considered “permitted development” and don’t necessitate planning permission. To delve deeper into Permitted Development, please refer to our dedicated section.

There are nine distinct types of planning permission applications:

  1. Outline Application: Provides an initial assessment of a proposed development’s principles without detailed design.
  2. Approval of Reserved Matters: Following an outline application, this covers the detailed design aspects of the proposal.
  3. Full Application: Comprehensive application including all details of the proposed development.
  4. Approval of Details: Focused on specific details within an existing planning permission.
  5. Listed Building Consent: Required for alterations or demolition of a listed building.
  6. Conservation Area Consent: Needed for certain works within a designated conservation area.
  7. Advertisement Consent: Required for the display of certain types of advertisements.
  8. Certificate of Lawful Use or Development: Provides legal confirmation of an existing or proposed use or development.
  9. Works to Trees: Permission for works to trees covered by Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs) or located within conservation areas.

At Urban Home Design, we are dedicated to simplifying the planning application journey for you. Reach out to us for expert guidance, and let’s work together to achieve your project goals effectively.

The local planning department plays a crucial role in determining the outcomes of planning applications, guided by the regulations of the 1990 Town and Country Planning (TCP) Act. When an application for planning permission is submitted to the local planning authority, Section 70(1) of the TCP Act outlines two primary outcomes:

  • Grant Planning Permission: The local planning authority has the authority to grant planning permission, either with conditions or subject to conditions they deem suitable.
  • Refuse Planning Permission: Alternatively, they possess the discretion to refuse planning permission.

The local planning authority can make several types of decisions, including:

  • Approval: Full approval of the application.
  • Approval with Conditions: Granting permission with specific conditions.
  • Approval subject to Legal Agreement: Permission granted contingent on a legal agreement.
  • Refusal: Application declined.
  • Non-Determination: When a decision is not reached within the specified timeframe.

According to Section 70(2) of the TCP Act, the local planning authority is obligated to consider several factors when assessing a planning application. These include:

  • Development Plan: Relevance to the provisions of the development plan.
  • Material Considerations: Any other relevant factors beyond the development plan.

At Urban Home Design, we’re dedicated to simplifying the intricacies of planning applications. Contact us for expert guidance, and let’s collaborate to ensure your project’s success while adhering to regulations.

At Urban Home Design, we understand that the ever-evolving landscape of the planning process can be intricate and overwhelming. Changes and updates occur frequently, making it challenging to stay up to date. However, our commitment to staying ahead of these developments ensures that you’re always informed and empowered.

Navigating the planning process requires a keen eye on the latest updates and changes. Our team of experts at Urban Home Design remains dedicated to tracking and understanding the nuances of these developments. We make it our priority to keep you informed, allowing you to make well-informed decisions for your projects.

Recent developments have brought significant changes to the planning process. These include:

  • Eased Permitted Development Rights: Announced on September 6, 2012, and later adopted, these plans increased the limits for various developments. From single-storey extensions to shops and professional establishments, these changes aim to provide more flexibility for your projects.
  • Enhanced Change of Use: The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2014 extended the General Permitted Development Order (GPDO), allowing additional changes in use without the need for planning permission. Notably, A2 and A1 shops can be converted to residential units without planning permission.
  • Temporary Use Flexibility: Temporary changes of use have been introduced, particularly in response to the pandemic. This includes the temporary change of use from offices to hot food takeaways (A5), providing adaptability during uncertain times.

The Prior Approval scheme, previously bound by a deadline, has been made permanent, offering more options for change of use scenarios. The developments also encompass agricultural buildings, state-funded schools or nurseries, and extended Permitted Development Rights for light industrial to residential changes.

If you’re unsure whether your proposals align with the requirements of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order, a lawful development application might be the answer. Our team can guide you through the process, ensuring you receive the necessary certificate of lawfulness or ‘Prior Approval’ from the council. We offer expert advice to determine if your development falls under permitted development, prepare the application, and provide essential architectural drawings.

Stay ahead of the planning curve with Urban Home Design. Reach out for a free consultation and make informed decisions for your projects in this ever-changing landscape. Your success is our priority.

At Urban Home Design, we believe in demystifying the complexities of the construction process, making it accessible and comprehensible for you. Central to this understanding are the distinctions between Planning and Building Control, both pivotal departments in your project journey.

Planning Department:

The Planning Department’s core responsibility is to strike a balance between an individual’s desire to build and the interests of others, including neighbours. They safeguard the character of an area from unsightly structures or disruptive changes of use. For instance, while transforming your living room into a nightclub might be creatively tempting, Planners consider the potential impact on the surroundings and neighbouring residents. They advocate for well-designed home extensions that harmonize with the locality and enhance community living. Additionally, they assess road safety implications arising from new driveways to ensure the safety of all stakeholders.

Building Control:

Building Control’s mission is to guarantee compliance with fundamental safety standards and thwart the construction of substandard and potentially hazardous structures. This ensures that your property doesn’t become a jerry-built safety hazard. Both Planning and Building Control share stringent enforcement powers to deter illegal developments.

Detailed plans serve a dual purpose – obtaining planning consent and demonstrating compliance with Building Regulations. These plans serve as the foundation for both stages, guiding your project from concept to construction. Without Building Control Approval, the marketability of your property could be jeopardized, affecting potential buyers and mortgage lenders who prioritize structural safety.

Understanding the nuances of Planning and Building Control empowers you to navigate the process seamlessly. At Urban Home Design, we’re here to bridge the gap and provide guidance every step of the way. Our expertise ensures that your aspirations align with regulatory frameworks, resulting in a safe, compliant, and aesthetically pleasing outcome.

Ready to embark on your project journey? Contact us for a free consultation. Let’s bring your vision to life while respecting the regulations that underpin it. Your safety, satisfaction, and success are our top priorities.

Understanding the intricacies of construction regulations is essential. Deciphering whether your project requires Planning Permission or Building Regulations Consent is a vital step in your journey. Please note that these guidelines offer a general overview, but the need for approval varies depending on your specific case.

Here are some common project scenarios:

  • House Extensions:
    • Planning Permission is necessary if the extension exceeds specific limits or falls within restricted areas. Building Regulations approval ensures safety compliance.
  • Porch:
    • Planning Permission is required for porches of any size if the property has unique constraints. Building Regulations Consent becomes relevant based on size and safety compliance.
  • Conservatory:
    • Conservatories are subject to house extension rules for Planning Permission. Building Regulations Consent is required based on size and safety compliance.
  • Conversions/Dormer Extensions:
    • Both Planning Permission and Building Regulations Consent are usually required for extensions involving conversions or dormers.
  • Detached Garage/Carport:
    • Planning Permission and Building Regulations Consent depend on specific constraints and size limitations.
  • Garage Conversion:
    • Building Regulations Consent is crucial for converting a garage into habitable space, though Planning Permission may not be required.
  • Walls and Fences:
    • Planning Permission is mandatory for walls/fences above certain heights adjacent to roads or property boundaries.

Every project is unique, and requirements can vary. If you’re uncertain, our experts are here to guide you. At Urban Home Design, we simplify the process to ensure your project adheres to regulations while turning your vision into reality. Contact us today for personalized advice tailored to your project.

The idea of demolishing structures on your property without planning permission might seem appealing, but it’s crucial to consider the implications. While planning permission is not typically required solely for demolition, you’ll need to secure permission for any proposed replacement or development that follows the demolition. It’s wise to include demolition within your overall planning application to avoid complications.

Additionally, it’s important to inform the Building Control department beforehand about any planned demolition activities. Adjoining properties, especially if not detached, have a legal right to support, which must be considered to avoid potential issues.

Outbuildings and Annexes:

Adding space through garden-based structures like home-offices, playrooms, or gyms is popular. Structures located more than 5 meters from the main house are not considered extensions under permitted development rules. However, it’s crucial to demonstrate the association of such outbuildings with the main house. While conservatories often fall within permitted development allowances, other outbuilding options like sheds or garages require careful consideration. Contact our planning consultants for tailored advice based on your specific needs.

Basements and Cellars:

Expanding square footage by building a basement can be a viable solution, especially if upward expansion is challenging. However, basement developments can pose structural risks to neighbouring properties due to excavation. Professional design considering factors like cost, natural light, ventilation, and head-height is crucial. Developing basements requires expert guidance to ensure compliance with regulations and to maximize property value. Seek advice from surveyors or planning consultants to make informed decisions.

At Urban Home Design, we simplify complex decisions related to demolition, outbuildings, and basement developments. Our expert team can guide you through the intricacies, ensuring your project is well-planned and compliant with regulations. Reach out to us for personalized advice tailored to your project’s unique requirements.

Understanding terms like “overlooking” and “overdevelopment” is crucial when navigating the planning process for your property. Here’s a detailed explanation of these concepts:


Overlooking refers to the design elements of your property that could compromise your neighbours’ privacy. Planners scrutinize designs to ensure they do not negatively impact neighbouring properties. Features like balconies, roof gardens, and side-facing windows are common aspects that might face resistance if they overlook neighbouring properties too closely.

In London’s urban and suburban landscape, it can be challenging to avoid windows or design elements that potentially overlook neighbouring properties due to limited space. However, creative solutions such as using lower roof slopes for loft-like spaces with skylight windows or employing obscured glazing for bathrooms can help address privacy concerns. These approaches ensure adequate sunlight while respecting the privacy of neighbouring properties.


Overdevelopment occurs when a property’s expansion or development significantly encroaches on available amenity space, particularly in densely populated urban areas like London where plot sizes are limited. Planners assess whether proposed plans leave sufficient remaining amenity space to maintain a suitable living environment.

To address potential overdevelopment concerns, it’s beneficial to present evidence of similar approved local developments that demonstrate effective use of space while maintaining amenity areas. Showcasing how others have navigated similar challenges can strengthen your case and showcase the viability of your project.

At Urban Home Design, we specialize in addressing these nuanced planning aspects. Our expert team can guide you in designing solutions that respect privacy, maximize amenity space, and navigate potential overdevelopment concerns effectively. Contact us for personalized advice tailored to ensure your project meets planning regulations while aligning with your vision.

Understanding the regulations surrounding conservation areas and listed buildings is crucial when planning any development or alteration to your property. Here’s a comprehensive explanation of these concepts:

Conservation Areas:

Local planning authorities have the power to designate conservation areas under Section 69 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990. These areas are selected based on their special architectural or historic significance, encompassing buildings, streets, materials, and other features that contribute to their unique character.

In conservation areas, planning authorities have additional control over building works, demolitions, and alterations to protect and enhance the area’s character and appearance. Preservation extends to trees, street furniture, and public spaces within these designated zones. It’s important to note that while conservation area consent doesn’t cover listed buildings or certain other categories, demolishing an unlisted building within a conservation area without approval constitutes a criminal offense.

Seeking pre-application advice from your local authority before undertaking significant development within a conservation area can be highly beneficial. This advice helps ensure that proposed changes align with the area’s preservation objectives.

Listed Buildings:

A ‘listed building’ is a structure of national architectural or historical significance, documented in the List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest maintained by the Department for Culture, Media, and Sport. When a building is listed, both its exterior and interior, along with attached objects and structures within its curtilage, are protected.

Listed Building Consent (LBC) is a specific planning control that safeguards buildings of architectural or historical importance. These controls, in addition to standard planning regulations, aim to prevent unauthorized demolition, alteration, or extension of listed buildings. The requirement for Listed Building Consent depends on the potential impact on the building’s character and significance.

Buildings are listed to preserve our cultural heritage and contribute to the quality of our surroundings. At Urban Home Design, we specialize in navigating the complexities of conservation areas and listed buildings. Our knowledgeable team can provide expert advice and assistance in obtaining necessary consents. Whether you’re dealing with a conservation area or a listed building, we have the expertise to ensure your project complies with regulations and preserves architectural heritage.

Contact us today for personalized guidance tailored to your specific project needs within a conservation area or involving a listed building. We’re here to help you navigate the regulatory landscape and achieve your development goals while respecting historical significance and architectural character.

Applying for a Lawful Development Certificate (LDC) is crucial under specific circumstances to establish the legitimacy of an existing use, operation, or activity that may have breached planning conditions. Here’s a breakdown of when you might need to apply for an LDC and what the application process entails:

When to Apply for a Lawful Development Certificate:

  1. Claiming Immunity from Enforcement Action: If the time limits specified under the Planning and Compensation Act 1991 have expired (4 years for unauthorized operations, change of use to a single dwelling house, or 10 years for other developments) without enforcement action, you may apply for an LDC to confirm the development’s lawful status.
  2. Demonstrating Legitimacy to Potential Buyers: When selling a property, having an LDC can provide assurance to potential buyers that no enforcement action can be taken against the development.
  3. Complex Use Descriptions: For cases involving complex use descriptions, secondary uses, mixed uses, or intensification, obtaining an LDC can clarify the lawful status of the development.

Components of an LDC Application:

  • Type of Application: Specify whether it pertains to use, building operation, or breach of a planning condition.
  • Start Date of Use or Breach: Provide the date when the use or breach commenced.
  • Relevant Use Class: Detail the relevant use class under the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987.
  • Details of Relevant Condition: If applicable, describe the relevant planning condition that has been breached.
  • Reason for Seeking the Certificate: Clearly explain the purpose of the application and why the development should be deemed lawful.
  • Supporting Evidence of Ownership or Tenancy: Provide documentation demonstrating ownership or tenancy of the property.
  • Plan Identifying the Land: Include a plan that clearly identifies the location of the development.

Specific Evidence Required for Established Use Applications: For certain types of developments that have been ongoing for a substantial period, such as flats (over 4 years) or commercial properties (over 10 years), specific evidence is required to support the LDC application. This evidence may include tenancy agreements, utility bills, photographs with dates, completion certificates from Building Control, and other relevant documentation.

Refusal of LDC Application: It’s important to note that an LDC application can be refused if the evidence provided is deemed insufficient or incorrect.

Exclusions: Lawful Development Certificates do not cover breaches related to listed buildings or developments within conservation areas.

At Urban Home Design, our expert planning consultants specialize in helping clients navigate the complexities of obtaining Lawful Development Certificates. We can guide you through the application process, ensuring that the legality of your development is well-established and documented. Contact us today for personalized advice and assistance tailored to your specific circumstances and requirements.

Planning permission for a roof terrace in London can indeed be a desirable but complex endeavour due to various considerations and local council policies. Here’s a breakdown of key factors and considerations when seeking planning permission for a roof terrace:

  1. Overlooking Mitigation: One of the primary concerns for councils is the potential for overlooking neighbouring properties. To address this, design solutions like elevated walls, receding walls, or strategic placement of privacy screens can help ensure privacy for neighbouring properties.
  2. Sunlight Preservation: It’s essential that the roof terrace design doesn’t cast shadows on neighbouring homes, thereby maintaining an equitable distribution of daylight. This can be achieved through the use of obscured or frosted glass barriers, wooden trellises, or other light-filtering materials that also respect privacy.
  3. Precedent in the Vicinity: Checking for existing roof terraces in the vicinity can provide an indication of the local context. However, the legality of these terraces should be assessed, particularly if they have been in use for over four years (though legality isn’t assured solely based on precedent).

Local Council Policies: Council policies can vary, with some requiring specific safety and privacy measures such as a minimum fence or wall height of 1.7 meters. There may also be limitations on size, such as not exceeding a certain percentage of the roof width or a specific area.

Engaging with Planning Authorities: If uncertainty exists regarding the local council’s stance on roof terraces, engaging with the duty planning officer can provide clarity on specific requirements and considerations.

Expert Guidance: Given the intricacies involved in securing planning permission for a roof terrace, seeking expert counsel is highly recommended. At Urban Home Design, our planning consultants specialize in navigating the nuances of planning applications and can provide tailored advice to help you achieve your dream roof terrace.

To initiate this process or discuss your project’s specifics, feel free to reach out to our team at 0203 0513 313 for a free consultation. Your envisioned rooftop retreat could be closer to realization with expert guidance and strategic planning.

Converting a single-family dwelling into individual flats is a complex undertaking that requires careful consideration of various factors beyond the property itself. The evaluation process by the Planning department involves assessing potential impacts on the community, neighbours, and the broader area’s character.


When contemplating a property conversion into smaller flats, it’s crucial to understand the broader implications on the neighbourhood and town. Planning authorities focus on ensuring that urban and rural spaces are well-designed, functional, and sustainable. Therefore, the conversion process must address potential challenges, including:


  1. **Balancing Housing Types:** Authorities aim to maintain a diverse mix of housing types, balancing Houses of Multiple Occupation (HMOs) with family houses to preserve neighbourhood diversity.


  1. **Infrastructure Impact:** Cumulative conversions within a locality can strain local infrastructure and resources, leading to concerns over utilities, parking, and more.


The decision to grant planning permission for such conversions is influenced by unique local circumstances, historical trends, and planning history. Converting existing dwellings into flats can influence the environment and alter the character of established residential areas, affecting external aesthetics, activity levels, foot traffic, parking, and waste management.


Navigating the feasibility of converting a house into flats requires a deep understanding of regulations and neighbourhood dynamics. Engaging with the council’s pre-application advice service is advisable to understand the specific nuances of your location.


At Urban Home Design, our Planning Consultants specialize in guiding clients through this intricate process. We offer tailored pre-application advice to evaluate the viability of your proposal, ensuring alignment with the larger community context. Our commitment is to achieve positive outcomes, whether proceeding with a feasible conversion or exploring alternative pathways.


We’re not just about architectural solutions; we’re your partners in navigating planning permissions and fostering community harmony. Contact Urban Home Design to explore the possibilities of converting your property into flats with expert guidance tailored to your needs.

Understanding Gross Internal Area (GIA) regulations is essential for ensuring compliance with planning standards and creating comfortable living spaces. At Urban Home Design, we provide clarity on these technical requirements to ensure that your designs meet regulatory expectations.

Gross Internal Area is defined as the total floor space within a building’s perimeter walls, including partitions, structural components, cupboards, staircases, and voids above stairs. This quantitative measure, expressed in square meters (m2), plays a critical role in determining a dwelling’s compliance with regulatory parameters.


To ensure the quality of residential spaces, regulatory frameworks specify standards that must be met, including:

– Minimum Gross Internal Floor Area and built-in storage area requirements as outlined in Table 1 (link provided).

– Dwellings with multiple bedspaces must include at least one double (or twin) bedroom.

– Single bedrooms must have a floor area of 7.5m2 and a width of 2.15m.

– Double (or twin) bedrooms require a floor area of 11.5m2.

– Specific width requirements of 2.75m for the first double (or twin) bedroom and 2.55m for others.

– Areas with headroom under 1.5m are not included in Gross Internal Area calculations unless used solely for storage. The area under stairs, if used for storage, is assumed to contribute 1m2.

– Storage areas with headroom between 900-1500mm count as 50% of their floor area; those under 900mm are not considered.

– Built-in wardrobes contribute to both Gross Internal Area and bedroom floor area criteria without reducing room widths below minimums.

– Built-in areas exceeding 0.72m2 in a double bedroom and 0.36m2 in a single bedroom also contribute to storage requirements.

– A minimum floor-to-ceiling height of 2.3m is required for 75% of the Gross Internal Area.


At Urban Home Design, we prioritize meticulous adherence to planning regulations alongside architectural aesthetics. We have the expertise to seamlessly integrate these guidelines into your designs, ensuring compliance while maintaining functionality and aesthetics.

Navigating Gross Internal Area standards can be complex, but our team is skilled at solving this puzzle. We’re here to guide you through the intricacies, translating your vision into designs that not only meet regulatory standards but also create inviting and livable spaces.

Partner with Urban Home Design to bring your architectural aspirations to life within the framework of Gross Internal Area guidelines. Contact us today for a consultation, and together, we’ll turn your vision into reality while ensuring compliance with regulatory standards.

In the domain of property transactions and legal matters, adherence to regulations is crucial. With the implementation of new rules by the Land Registry in 2002 and 2003, significant changes were introduced, particularly concerning leases. If you are engaged in property transactions involving leases lasting seven years or more, understanding the importance of a Land Registry compliant lease plan is essential.


The Land Registration Rules of 2003 mandate that any new lease with a duration of seven years or longer must be registered with the Land Registry. As part of this registration process, a compliant lease plan must be included. A Land Registry compliant lease plan is a vital component of the lease application, designed to align with the Land Registry’s specific guidelines.


In situations involving leases, having a comprehensive lease plan is non-negotiable. If your property was registered before 2002, it is likely that your existing plan does not conform to current Land Registry standards. Therefore, creating a Lease Plan that meets these modern requirements becomes imperative.


At Urban Home Design, we specialize in understanding the intricate details of Land Registry regulations. Our expertise lies in producing Lease Plans that not only meet the Land Registry’s guidelines but also facilitate smooth progress in your property transactions. Whether you are a property owner, landlord, or prospective tenant, our services ensure that your Lease Plan adheres to the necessary standards.


Our dedication to providing compliant Lease Plans is unwavering. If you are embarking on a property journey involving leases, allow us to assist you in creating a Land Registry compliant lease plan that reflects precision and compliance with regulations.


Navigating the complexities of Land Registry compliance can be daunting, but with our expertise, you can be confident that every requirement will be met. Contact us today for a competitive quote. At Urban Home Design, we are committed to being your partners in ensuring that your property transactions proceed seamlessly within the framework of Land Registry regulations.

When faced with a planning refusal, navigating the complexities of interpretation, policy nuances, and differing professional opinions can be challenging. At Urban Home Design, we emphasize the importance of seeking guidance from seasoned Planning Consultants to guide you through this process, mitigate costly mistakes, and provide invaluable insights.


When clients encounter planning refusals, they often seek our assistance. Our approach involves a comprehensive evaluation where we meticulously review the grounds of refusal and assess the prospects for success. It’s important to note that not all refusals warrant appeals, and our commitment is to transparently communicate the viability of each case.


The avenue to challenge a refusal is through submitting a planning appeal. The Planning Inspectorate, an impartial government body, oversees these appeals independently from local authorities. Our expertise enables us to construct strong and persuasive appeals for clients in London and beyond.


The appeal process begins with the validation of your appeal by the Planning Inspectorate, similar to a standard planning application. Subsequently, a designated Planning Inspector takes on the case, issuing instructions and dates to the applicants. Typically, a householder application appeal is resolved within eight weeks. Throughout this journey, our Chartered Planning Consultants offer invaluable insights and assistance, streamlining your appeal for optimal outcomes.


Timing is critical for those seeking to challenge a decision. Disagreeing with a decision made by Planning Officers warrants an appeal within six months of the decision notice. For Householder Planning Applications, the appeal window is 12 weeks. Enforcement notices have an even tighter timeframe of 28 days from notice receipt.


It’s important to note that third parties do not have the right of appeal. If you’ve objected to a planning application that’s subsequently approved, the avenue of appeal is not accessible to third parties. Only applicants or appointed agents like Urban Home Design have the prerogative to appeal.


Your journey to appeal a planning refusal begins by aligning with professionals who understand the intricacies of the process. Urban Home Design offers you this expertise, meticulously guiding you through the process from thorough evaluation to the creation of a compelling appeal.


To take the first step towards appealing a planning decision or if you require expert Planning Advice in London, reach out to us today. At Urban Home Design, we’re not just planners; we’re your partners in navigating the complexities of planning refusals and securing successful outcomes.

When it comes to obtaining a Lawful Development Certificate for an established (existing) use, understanding the critical timelines outlined in the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 is essential. The Act introduces two important rules: the 4-year rule and the 10-year rule, which determine whether a particular use or development becomes lawful without the need for planning permission. However, interpreting these rules can be complex, and expert guidance is crucial.


Under Section 171 B(1.2) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, the division of a single dwellinghouse into multiple separate dwellinghouses is considered a material change in use. This change is protected by the four-year rule under section 55(3)(a). Essentially, if the conversion of a property into separate dwellinghouses occurred more than four years ago, it falls under the protection of this rule.


However, the legal framework is not one-size-fits-all, and there is a conflicting perspective suggesting a 10-year requirement for flats, considering them distinct from dwellings. The specifics of each case matter, and this is where Urban Home Design can assist. Our experienced team can assess your situation and advise you on the best course of action to ensure compliance with evolving regulations.


In seeking a Lawful Development Certificate for an established use, you must provide substantial evidence, including proof of substantial completion over four years ago or proof of continuous use for a period of 10 years (four years for dwellings). This evidence is crucial for the success of your application. However, it’s important to note that if the Local Planning Authority has evidence or reasonable grounds to doubt your claims, they may refuse the certificate.


Urban Home Design is your partner in skillfully navigating the established use application process. Our expertise extends to the intricate web of evidence, documentation, and compliance needed for success. From tenancy agreements to council tax bills and utility bills, our team can guide you in assembling a robust case.


As of July 2023, the Government’s consultation on changing the 4-year rule to a 10-year rule for residential applications is underway. While these proposals are yet to take effect, the future landscape is set to change. If you have four years of evidence and wish to secure a lawful development certificate, now is the prime time to take action. With Urban Home Design by your side, your application will be meticulously prepared, backed by accurate drawings, maps, and comprehensive paperwork.


Explore our case studies to see our success in various conversions and developments. Don’t navigate the intricate planning landscape alone. Connect with Urban Home Design for strategic guidance and expert assistance. We’re here to turn complexities into opportunities and ensure the success of your established use application.

If you’re contemplating sub-dividing a building, whether planning permission is required depends on several key factors. Here’s a breakdown to help you navigate the process:


  1. No Physical Development: Planning permission may not be needed if the sub-division does not involve physical works that amount to development under planning law.


  1. Use Class Compatibility: If the newly created units fall within the same use class as the building’s existing primary use before sub-division, or if a permitted development right allows the new use, planning permission may not be required.


  1. No Conversion of Dwelling House: Sub-dividing should not involve converting a single dwelling house into more than one residential unit to avoid the need for specific planning permissions related to dwelling conversions.


For listed properties, different rules apply. Internal alterations to listed buildings require Listed Building Consent, involving collaboration with Conservation and Heritage Officers. These experts evaluate proposed alterations’ impact on the heritage asset’s significance, both inside and outside the property. Even if Historic England (English Heritage) had not previously surveyed the interior during listing, interior alterations still require permission.


Urban Home Design specializes in navigating the intricacies of sub-division and planning permissions. Our experienced team ensures your project complies with regulations and preserves the integrity of heritage assets. If your property is listed, our specialist heritage and conservation consultant can provide tailored guidance to integrate your vision while respecting the property’s historical significance.


While planning permission needs vary, Urban Home Design is equipped to handle your sub-division project effectively. Our expertise ensures a smooth journey through the regulatory landscape, turning your vision into reality. Contact us today to discuss your sub-division plans and explore possibilities for your property while staying compliant with regulations.

Running a business from home can be convenient, but you might wonder if planning permission is needed. Here’s a detailed overview of the regulations:

In most cases, you won’t need planning permission to operate a business or home office from your residence, even if you use an outbuilding or garage in your garden. However, a critical condition is that your dwelling house must primarily remain a private residence, and the business operation shouldn’t substantially alter the property’s use as a single dwelling.

Local planning authorities assess each case individually to determine if planning permission is required. They consider factors such as:

  1. Traffic and Disturbance: If your business causes a significant increase in traffic, noise, or disturbances affecting neighbors, planning permission might be necessary.
  2. Structural Changes: Major renovations or structural alterations for business purposes could trigger the need for planning permission.
  3. Residential Character: Authorities assess whether your business activities impact the residential character of your area.

Promoting your home business might also have planning implications. Using your residence to attract customers or clients could change its use and require planning permission. Additionally, displaying signs and adverts on a residential street usually requires planning permission unless they’re of a specific size and related to a dwelling, not a business.

Navigating planning regulations can be complex, especially for home-based businesses. If you’re unsure about needing planning permission, seeking professional advice is wise. At Urban Home Design, our experienced team can provide tailored insights. We understand planning nuances and can help ensure your business operations comply with regulations.

Maintaining a balance between running your business and respecting neighbors and the community is essential. If you’re considering starting or operating a home business, reach out to us for guidance. We’re here to help you make informed decisions and navigate the planning landscape confidently.

Once you receive a decision letter from the planning authority on your application, it indicates whether planning permission has been granted or refused. Here’s an overview of how long planning permission lasts and what you need to consider:


Planning permission is tied to the land, allowing for the sale or lease of land or buildings with the conferred planning benefits. However, certain conditions might restrict usage or occupancy to specific entities. If needed, you can apply to the Local Planning Authority (LPA) online through the Planning Portal to modify or remove these conditions.


By law, planning permission typically lasts for three years from the date of grant. This means you have three years to start development. If work doesn’t commence within this timeframe, you’ll likely need to reapply. If your permission includes conditions, such as requiring approval of specific details not fully outlined in the application, these must be addressed before starting development.


Before beginning work, you may need other approvals, such as listed building consent or planning permission for demolition in a conservation area. These applications can also be processed online through the Planning Portal.


At Urban Home Design, we specialize in navigating the planning process to ensure your project complies with regulations and guidelines while maximizing the benefits of your granted planning permission. If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out to us. We’re here to help you through every step of the process.

A site survey is an essential step in the architectural process, providing accurate data about your property or site before proceeding with design and planning. Here’s why a site survey is needed and what it involves:

A site survey involves using advanced laser scanning technology to create precise 2D drawings of your property or site. These drawings include detailed plans, elevations (front, rear, and visible sides of the building), and sections (vertical slices through the building). The purpose of these drawings is to accurately document the existing structure, which serves as the foundation for architectural design and planning.

The key reasons why a site survey is necessary include:

  1. Accurate Data: A site survey provides precise measurements and details of the existing property or site, ensuring that architectural designs are based on accurate information.
  2. Foundation for Design: The survey drawings serve as a reference point for architects and designers to understand the existing layout and structure of the property. This information is crucial for proposing changes and renovations.
  3. Planning Compliance: Site surveys help ensure that proposed designs comply with local planning regulations and guidelines, as they provide an accurate representation of the property.
  4. Cost-Efficiency: By starting with a comprehensive site survey, architects can avoid costly errors or design changes later in the process due to inaccurate or incomplete information.

At Urban Home Design, we prioritize the value of a thorough and precise measured site survey to kickstart your architectural journey. Our commitment to excellence ensures that your project begins with a solid foundation of accurate data, setting the stage for successful design and planning. If you have any questions or need assistance with a site survey for your project, feel free to reach out to us. We’re here to help you navigate this critical step with confidence.

Certainly, there’s a diverse array of extensions and conversions that can potentially transform your property. At Enter Urban Home Design, we’re here to guide you through the possibilities, ensuring you make informed decisions that align with your vision and budget. Here’s a glimpse into the options available:


  1. Single Storey Rear Extension: Enhance your living area with a rear extension, providing more room for relaxation and activities.
  2. Single Storey Side Extension: Expand your space laterally, creating room for new functionalities and experiences.
  3. Loft Conversion with Dormer Roof Extension: Turn your loft into a functional space with the addition of a dormer roof extension.
  4. Hip to Gable Roof Extension: Elevate your living space by transforming your hip roof into a gable design.
  5. Basement Extension: Dig deep to create additional rooms or living space beneath the ground.
  6. Garage Conversion: Repurpose your garage into habitable rooms, unlocking new possibilities for your home.


  1. Conversion of a House into Flats: Transform a single dwelling into multiple independent flats, maximizing use.
  2. House into HMOs / Bedsits: Create a house of multiple occupation (HMO) to accommodate different tenants.
  3. Conversion of Offices into Flats: Repurpose office spaces into comfortable living units.
  4. Changes of Use: Alter the use of your property, from retail to offices, or even residential, based on your needs.
  5. Garage Conversion to Habitable Room or Self-contained Unit: Turn a garage into a functional living space or separate unit.

Wondering about your property’s potential? Our FREE advice session will help unlock the hidden possibilities within your space. We’re ready to provide a no-obligation quote for our comprehensive services – from crafting architectural drawings to assembling application documents and securing planning permission

Let’s have a chat about your plans and aspirations. Our team is thrilled to offer tailored advice for your proposed extension or conversion. We’ll guide you on whether planning permission is required or if your project falls under Permitted Development.

Contact us today to set your property transformation in motion.

It’s important to acknowledge that predicting the outcome of a planning application isn’t a guaranteed science. However, enlisting the expertise of a professional planner can significantly enhance your chances of success while gaining a comprehensive understanding of potential development avenues. Enter Urban Home Design – your strategic partner in this journey. We prioritize transparency and effectiveness, ensuring that we only take on projects with viable prospects, and we’re forthright in communicating this to our clients.

Each planning officer in the department interprets regulations and guidelines uniquely, making outcomes somewhat unpredictable. But that’s where Enter Urban Home Design shines – we offer you the power of experience and knowledge, leveraging our proficiency in liaising with local councils, negotiating financial agreements, and navigating complex planning issues on your behalf.

While local councils provide a “Pre Application Advice” service, it’s worth noting that the advice given isn’t legally binding. Unfortunately, they might deviate from their initial suggestions, leading to frustration. Here’s where our expertise stands out: we conduct rigorous feasibility studies and site appraisals to assess the potential of each development. This not only ensures a transparent process but also saves time.

The planning landscape is ever-evolving, with policies subject to constant updates. At Enter Urban Home Design, we stay at the forefront of these changes, ensuring our knowledge remains current through continuous professional development and diligent research.

Uncertainty is the name of the game, as exemplified by the instance of a front-facing dormer application. Despite neighbours having similar features, changes in policies could lead to varying outcomes. We’ve got your back – our consultants offer insights into the likelihood of success, based on thorough analysis of policies, constraints, and material considerations.

Permitted Development rights are also under constant review, and we stay in tune with the latest discussions and policy implementations.

At Enter Urban Home Design, we excel in uncovering development potential and providing tailored advice for optimal chances of planning permission. Remember, securing planning permission not only opens doors for property enhancement but instantly escalates property value – a substantial incentive for developers and homeowners aiming to sell.

Unlock the potential of your projects with Enter Urban Home Design – where expertise, transparency, and success converge. Get in touch today for a FREE phone consultation: Call us at +44 7474 980954. Your planning journey starts here.